Saturday, November 17, 2012

Divine Error Forgiveness

To err is human; to forgive divine.
Or is it?
On the face of it this should be good news since we, as humans all make mistakes.  But not all mistakes are forgiven lightly nor should they be.
For example mistakes that harm others or considered crimes are rarely if ever forgiven no matter how divine the guilty party feels it would be.  Do the crime – Do the time.
To many, debt forgiveness sounds like a way for people who lived above their means to get away without paying for that which they bought.  They feel it would be a crime if these people were forgiven for living recklessly; buying expensive cars on credit then claiming a hardship that stops them from being able to make the payments.
Obviously the outcome must be payback the debt or lose the car.  But suppose instead of a car it was your home?
In effect loan forgiveness sounds like theft of goods and services after the fact allowing you to live in the home debt free.
But what about the people or institutions that loaned you the money or gave you the credit to buy that stuff in the first place?
If they knew the borrower was incapable of paying back the loan should they be held accountable as accessories to the crime?
After all they created the vehicle for your debt if you will.
When the economy turned and we entered the recent depression these credit givers and debt creators were bailed out by our government!
(Some on the ‘right’ might like to change the name to the GIVErment but that’s another story.)
The money lenders were given tax-payer cash to become whole again.
And our government allowed them to live and prosper debt free by forgiving their evil ways.
But now those evil people and corporations are back using the same tactics that nearly killed our economy again AND demanding the public pay back THEIR debt.
Our debt was paid back by our government with our money!
Look at it this way, say you bought a large screen television but as you were loading it into your car your mother in law paid for the thing.  A month goes by and the store sends you a bill for the entire amount!
You would complain that the TV was paid for and the store would respond, “But not by you!”
This crime reeks of the same double dealing done behind the closed doors of DC all the time and it must stop.
I do not propose that everyone who bought stuff over the last five years be forgiven their debt.  But if the banks, institutions or corporations from whom the people took out student loans or a mortgage on their primary residence were bailed out with public money because the debt turned out to be bad then those loans should be considered paid!
I recently heard someone say that corporations are people my friend.  Well corporations were bailed out without any strings attached so how about making people corporations, my friend?
It’s goose – gander time guys!!!
Of course we would all like to have it both ways but realize that there really is no free lunch.
So why did the bailed out institutions get away scot-free?
Why are the middle class and poor being vilified?
Why do the wealthiest get more tax breaks than the average guy or gal on the street who actually work for a living?
Basically the question is what makes them better than us?
The answer should be a divine – nothing, my friend, not a blessed thing!

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