Sunday, May 3, 2020


Covid-19 has telescoped the predicted loss of many businesses and jobs due to the likes of Amazon and the internet in general from 3 to 5 years down to 3 to 5 weeks.

Lifesaving social distancing rules have made business as usual nearly impossible if not at least worrisome.

Some smart entrepreneurs have filled the gap offering delivery services from grocers as well as other questionably necessary services such as liquor stores.

But there is no reason we should give up every vice as long as we can practice the behavior responsibly.

But Covid-19 has once again placed our country’s response to disaster under a microscope and as with many things it loses much of it’s beauty when viewed too closely.

For example, how many of us noticed when the current administration quietly shut down our Nation’s pandemic response department and fired or reassigned the doctors and scientists therein?

Placing that irresponsible decision under the microscope now is at the very least absurd.

What was the purpose of ending our insurance policy against a possible and sadly likely pandemic?

Did it save the Federal government a few dollars?

Are we talking about the same Federal government that routinely funds the building of unnecessary and outdated fighter jets and wildly increases the military’s budget against the Pentagon’s and Joint Chiefs of Staff’s wishes?

In the case of the Pandemic response team it was ended because the current President hates the former President, who opened the office, so much he is willing to allow the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans just to remove one of his accomplishments.

This vindictive, childish, and dangerous behavior has hastened or telescoped the death of more Americans than the number that died during the entire Viet Nam War!

And while many of us are sitting home with too much time on our hands we owe it to America and ourselves to put our entire government under the microscope.

What is it doing right and what is it doing wrong?

Is the response to the current pandemic being handled well or is the ball being dropped?

Is there something we should be doing to get ready for the next disaster?

I do not have all the answers but then I was not elected by the people to have them!

Clearly, we should elect leaders who care enough about public service to seek out the answers and implement them for the good of all Americans, not just the wealthiest.

We need to strengthen the working and middle classes of the country and see to it they survive and thrive.

Without a good foundation even the most opulent of homes will eventually crumble!

There is nothing we can do to get back those we have lost due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but don’t we owe it to them to stem the tide going forward and prepare ourselves for future tragedies?

We had better get our telescopes trained on that future or we will not have one!

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