Tuesday, April 26, 2022


When small investors buy or sell stocks it doesn't alter the prices much, but the large institutional houses can cause a tidal wave in them.
Many of these larger investors favor repub admins due to their 'trickle-down' nonsense that eases taxes on the wealthy, even though it squeezes the middle and lower classes.
Our current economic climate is one of record profits for large corporations and lower unemployment overall.
Along with many Democratic programs aimed at helping America and Americans out of the usual GOP caused funk we've seen corporate greed and an unfortunately timed supply chain disruption raise consumer goods prices, some fairly and many others unnecessarily, that have caused a record high inflation.
There is no doubt that the Covid pandemic contributed to this condition but blaming one political party is inane and insane and counterproductive.
And while the Democrats are attempting to fix as many problems as possible the repubs are fixated on 'the big lie' and winning back control of government.
In fact, gaining control of Congress in 2022 and eventually the White House is the ONLY thing on their minds.
They don't care about infrastructure, gun violence, the homeless, or the cost of living except in the ways they can use them as wedge issues in their ads to blame the other side.
And should they succeed in fooling enough of the electorate they care, they will in fact take back America.
And if they do, the majority of us will suffer like we've never suffered before. Not since our parents and or grandparents suffered during the Great Depression.
But back to the investors and the big money that basically controls the prices of the companies on the stock exchanges.
You may not think they matter all that much but if you have a retirement plan of any kind the odds are it is linked to the success or failure of 'the market.'
And if a smart wealthy investor, or say a slew of smart insidious wealthy investors wanted to drive fear into the hearts and minds of the middle class voters by causing their retirement funds to tank, they could easily do so by selling stocks en masse and creating fear across all sectors.
They would have their puppets blame Democratic policies for the pain and come up with silly false scenarios such as the indoctrination of your youth, to cement the hate.
The stock market is currently dropping, and dropping hard.
But don't head for the hills, and don't think the Democrats are the only cause.
Understand the manipulation and, if possible, ride out the storm.
Even the manipulators don't want to 'tank' the market too much and for too long because they have investors too.
Steel yourselves for nearby pain.
And see the wealthiest among us and their party of do nothing repubs as just spreaders of lies, hate and fear.
But most importantly, Remember in November.
Let's cause a tidal wave back to the little guy by voting for every Democratic candidate on every ticket. We can and will get through this!

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