Saturday, September 17, 2022


You may be a maga moron if:

1 - You are more angry at a black mermaid in a cartoon than at an orange traitor in the White House

2 - You think dt is the second coming

3 - You get all your ideas and beliefs from Hannity and Carlson

4 - You believe the January 6th rioters were peaceful tourists visiting Congress

5 - You think government knows what's best for women's health and wellbeing, more so than women themselves

6 - You really feel Jews want to replace you

7 - You still think Lincoln was a criminal for freeing the slaves

8 - You believe in your heart that Fauci and Gates planted tracking devices in vaccines

9 - You are certain Covid-19 was a hoax anyway

10 - You believe the moon landings were faked

11 - Your family tree doesn't fork (Sorry Mr. Foxworthy but it fit too well to omit!)

And finally,

12 - You may be a maga moron if you know for a fact that only dt can fix America!

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