Tuesday, June 30, 2020


There’s no people like trump people
They don’t mind that he lies
Everything about him is appalling
Everything he traffics in is hate
Nowhere will you find one more disgusting
When you’re discussing a candidate

There’s no voters like trump voters
They’re blind, deaf, and quite dumb
Even with a turkey who puts kids in jail
Takes healthcare from those who are quite frail
Still they will not vote by using U S Mail
And G  O  P stays mum

The virus, the treason, the lies that he tells
The idiots he’s placed in every court

The jobs lost, the lives lost, Our debt ceiling swells
Don’t seem to make a dent in his support

We simply must be rid of all these slobs
Let’s vote so we can take away their jobs!

There’s no people like trump people
They love Nazis and guns
If a foreign power wants to kill us
That’ll be just fine, he says okay
He will never really make a big fuss
He’ll say that we must
Move on today

There’s no right wing like trump right wing
Their heads are in the sand
Even when the science shows that they are wrong
Their lives are threatened; they won’t live long
They will sing their white supremacy hate song
And spread fear through the land

Hate and fear throughout the land!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

MAGA HAS BROKEN (Song for 1/20/21)

A nothing has spoken
Like the 'first nothing'
Black men are dying
Just like before
Pray for salvation
Pray for our Nation
Pray that the voters will say nevermore! 

Sweep the elections
End all the GOP crimes
Take us to simpler
Less hateful times
Pray that our Nation
Finds its salvation
And peace and love will complete these rhymes! 

Bright is the sunlight
Bright is the new morn
Ending our dark times
With joyous dawn
Praise with elation
Our grateful nation
Dt is gone now, we are reborn!

Mourning has ended
Gone is that nothing
Health is returning
To our great land
Citizens singing
Freedom is ringing
Throughout the country with peace at hand!

Monday, June 22, 2020


When slaves were freed, they were allowed
To vote their minds and they felt proud 
Suffragettes in that same boat
Protested loudly to get the vote
But now Americans should be aware
The GOP’s not playing fair
They’re sending voting rights into mass graves
And trying to turn all citizens to slaves!
We cannot afford another tyrant for hire
Only voting will end this damn dumpster fire
The rule of law exists no more
For all our sakes show them the door!


Monday, June 8, 2020


O Donny boy
Your polls, your polls are falling
And as they drop
Your future’s getting bleak

That sound you hear
Is prison guards a-calling
Where food is slop
And roommates not so meek

O Donny boy
Tis justice you'll be facing
And living where
The beds ain’t up to par

While in the yard
From wall to wall you're pacing
Begging for help
From cellmate Willie Barr