There are certain things most of us take for granted
although in many ways we pay for the privilege of having them in our lives.
One of those things is fresh air and another is potable
clean water.
At odds with both items is the desire of big business to
create profit without too many regulations holding them back.
These regulations have been put in place to protect our
air and water from the pollution that unrestrained big business can cause. Regulations
are guidelines for the protection and cleanup of any accidental environmental
mishaps caused by a wonton disregard for the safety of people and the
environment. Following the rules costs big business time and money.
Hopefully we will never forget such examples of business’
disregard for human lives as the Deep-Water Oil Spill or the ongoing saga of the
deadly and disgusting polluted water of Flint, Michigan.
As with most industrial accidents these two are just the
tip of an iceberg in a sea of preventable disasters.
Another thing most of us in America take for granted is
our health, or at least the opportunity to address and take care of any illness
that threatens to take it away.
The healthcare industry, which includes everything and
everyone from the family doctor to the pharmacist to the sadly ever present
insurance companies who control most aspects of the above have their own costs
to contend with.
They all fight for a larger piece of the pie that is our
savings accounts while pointing fingers at the others and explaining to anyone
who will listen that they are only doing it for our own good.
This ballet of the different factions of the industry is
becoming more Camille than Swan Lake and we are becoming like Don Quixote as
our Midsummer’s Night Dream turns into act 5 of Romeo and Juliet.
And speaking of the ill-fated Shakespearian pair we all
have our loved ones. Nothing is more personal than our desire to be with and
share our life with our significant other regardless of race, creed, color, or
gender. Any law limiting our happiness in this regard should be seen for what
it is, anti-human, and should be overturned for good.
So, other than helping us live longer happier lives what
do all the above have in common?
Each section and others not listed is under attack by the
Republican Party. The members of this political faction have been working tirelessly
to limit our rights in most if not all things we have come to take for granted.
For example:
It is the sworn desire of the GOP to see to it that big
business not be restrained by regulations of any sort. The absence of oversight
will allow them to reap huge profits. This money can then be funneled back into
the coffers of the Republicans and used to stop new regulations that may
infringe upon the rights of big business over those of the individual.
The more big business pollutes the more disease and death
we will encounter. Unrestrained pollution has also been shown to be a major
factor in global warming and climate change. All reputable scientists agree on
this point.
The result will be disastrous for our children and their
children but by then those in charge now will be long gone. By that very fact
it is clear they care only about themselves and not at all about the future of
the planet.
Another right this strangely un-American political group
wants to take away is that of our healthcare.
We pay taxes to keep our government running smoothly. And
in return for our tax dollars we expect to be collectively taken care of. This includes the infrastructure of our nations
major arteries as well as our own!
When a road or bridge is crumbling some of our tax
dollars must be used to repair it and when our health is failing we must be
allowed easy and affordable access to the finest health care available. Infringing on either of these should be
unthinkable in any modern civilized nation, but especially in the wealthiest
one in the World!
Using the fear tactic this political faction has
instilled doubt in our government's ability to do anything right. But this is basically
true if one of the Parties actively blocks any regulation aimed at helping citizens,
as the Republicans have been doing for years.
How can we, those put-upon citizens change the direction
of our country and start having government work for us instead of the other way
Well for one thing we can stop electing these fear
mongering shills of big business. We must realize that they were elected to be
public servants not self-serving hypocrites.
We must hold their feet to the fire or fire them and set those feet on a path out of government as soon as possible.
And we must not sit back and think others will vote the way we wish. Many just did and look where we are!
The bottom line and simple fact is there are millions
more of us who care about our country and our children than the small but loud
group trying to turn it into their own blue heaven.
Nearly 3 million more people voted for the Democratic
Presidential candidate than the Republican who is being placed in the White
House. But nearly 117,000,000 citizens of this country did not even vote!
If that many people don’t care about the future of this country,
we may already have lost the fight.
Read, learn, get involved.
Our children are depending on you to do the right thing!
Please do not take our
futures for granted.