Sunday, April 28, 2013

We Don't Play by Your Rules Here!

If we continue on the current path of radical partisanship where one side totally blocks any social progress that would help the vast majority of citizens in the country then we may be looking at the end of the experiment known as America!
Billy Joel paired a catchy tune with a list of key moments in our history entitled We Didn't Start the Fire.
I offer new words and ask you to use his song's tune and beat and decide how long we can continue before something gives?

We don’t play by your rules here
So we have no worries
No sir, no real worries
We keep ourselves in power
In our ivory tower
While the masses cower

No healthcare, End Medicare, If you die we don’t care
Union busting, filibustering, We do those best

Tax breaks for the filthy rich, Tell ya folks life is a bitch
We help only those who pay, And dump on the rest

Block the vote of those we hate, In your red or your blue State
Making all the rules is great, We control our future fate

We don’t play by your rules here
So we have no worries
No sir, no real worries
We keep ourselves in power
In our ivory tower
While the masses cower

Climate change is not a hoax, Leaders in DC are jokes
Fossil fuels can’t be your friend, They’ll cause the world’s end

Gun control is just a must, But can’t even be discussed
Instead let’s block women’s rights, How the hell do they sleep at night?

We don’t play by your rules here
So we have no worries
No sir, no real worries
We keep ourselves in power
In our ivory tower
While the masses cower

Bankers never paid their debt, Voters better not forget
On one thing we'll surely bet, Regulations keep us safe

Asking kids to go to war, Don’t tell them what they’re fighting for
Returning damaged forever more, Their plight we ignore

Think once for the other guy, Help him out do not ask why
There but for the grace you know, We will surely some day go

We don’t play by your rules here
So we have no worries
No sir, no real worries
We keep ourselves in power
In our ivory tower
While the masses cower

There are no silly fools here
So we have no worries
no sir, no real worries

And we will stay in office as our terms go on and on and on and on and on....

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