Saturday, November 27, 2010

Upon Further Review

The following is a partial list of positive acts pushed for by Liberal groups in America.  It was compiled by an intelligent blogger known as Shoq.

The list is followed by what I believe would be an honest after the fact appraisal of each item by our Republic leaders and their Tea Party affiliates today.

Achievements of Liberalism in the U.S.

All or most strenuously resisted by conservatives & many Republicans.
  1. Interstate Highway System 
    It wasn't Ike's idea. It was a liberal initiative begun in the '30s. Ike was a liberal.
  2. Almost all of our Labor Laws (and All Child Labor laws)
  3. The Marshall Plan
  4. Environmental Laws
  5. Freedom of Information Act
  6. Workplace safety laws
  7. Social Security
  8. The Space Program
  9. Securities Act of 1933 & Most banking Regulations
  10. The Peace Corps
  11. Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)
  12. The Civil rights movement
  13. Fight against Nazis, Fascism and Totalitarianism 
    Wilson, FDR ,Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy. All liberals
  14. The Development and Deployment for the Internet (DARPA/HPCA)
  15. The Tennessee Valley project
  16. Women's right to vote
  17. Universal Public Education
  18. National Weather Service
  19. National Science Foundation/Basic Scientific Research
  20. Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws
  21. Public Health Service and CDC
  22. Morrill Land Grant Act (land for State public Universities)
  23. Rural Electrification
  24. Public Universities
  25. Bank Deposit Insurance
  26. Earned Income Tax Credit
  27. Family and Medical Leave Act
  28. Consumer Product Safety Commission
  29. Public Broadcasting
  30. Hoover Dam
  31. Pell Grants
  32. Americans With Disabilities Act
  33. State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
  34. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 – New (March 25th, 2010)
Now the Republic Rebuttal:
  1.  It's okay but we prefer to fly around in our private jets
  2.  Hate it!
  3.  That has something to do with war? LOVE IT!
  4.  Bad for business! Stupid laws. Hurts job creation.
  5.  Jury is out on this one.
  6.  Ditto "4."
  7.  Hated it then, hate it now! Privatize the damn thing!
  8.  If it could be used for defense okay otherwise scrap it!
  9.  Stifling crap! Should have been repealed long ago.
10.  Lilly livered do-gooders wasting money on aliens!
11.  Depends on the service but mostly a waste.
12.  Hate it! Just look at the White House for GOD sake!
13.  War is Hell & good for business! Especially ongoing ones.
14.  Now that we figured out how to use it, it's okay
15.  Ditto "4." Government growing too large!
16.  AAAHHHH!! Only 1 group worse! (Was that out loud?)
17.  Another wasteful government program.
18.  Okay, we'll give you that one.
19.  Just don't touch GOD's stem cells!
20.  Hurts business, kills free enterprise! Caveat Emptor!
21.  Public health?  Enough already! Wasteful spending.
22.  I reckon it worked out but still don't cotton to it!
23.  Give you this one as long as we control the energy sales.
24.  Hate it! Government controls too much! It's hard work!
25.  Free insurance? What's this country coming to? Hate it.
26.  Only good if it includes billionaires otherwise dump it.
27.  This screws the hard working business owner - HATE IT!
29.  Hate it! Why the Hell do we need more than Fox News?
30.  Okay I'll give you that one. But don't push it.
31.  Socialism! Killing the government & wasting tax dollars.
32.  Hate it! My chauffeur has to park too far away now!
33.  Government interfering with parents! Pure & simple.

Somewhere along the way to a modern society we seem to have lost sight of a simple fact.
The greatness of a nation must be measured by how it treats and takes care of it's citizens.
Together we the citizens make up our society, the social order of our country.
We, the citizens elect officials to become our representatives working for the greater good.
Society comes from groups working together, helping one another toward common goals. We have already seen that a nation divided against itself cannot survive.
Socialism in and of itself is not bad nor should the word have the stigma that has been placed on it by the greedy self-serving few among us who have lost sight of our Nation's original and common goal.
They should reread the Constitution.
The original aim of our founding fathers was, among other things to create a more perfect union and promote the general welfare.
Those words form the foundation of socialism.
They are words to live by and we must not forget them.


Anonymous said...

No amount of sane logic will convince people who are not interested in sanity. The Republics, as you call them know full well that all you say is true but would never admit as much lest they lose their corporate sponsorship. Imagine how much money each of those hypocrites would lose if they did so.

Charlene said...

The measure of good character is how a person treats those they think are their lessers.

Reschzoo said...

Well said. And in that spirit I try to treat all Republicans with the utmost respect.
But seriously the way in which the minority party treated America and Americans ever since the day President Obama was elected has been disgraceful.
Whether or not we feel someone is our lesser should be immaterial.
I will use a wonderful line from a great Broadway show, Oklahoma to finalize this comment -
"I don't say I'm better than anybody else, But I'll be danged if I ain't just as good!"
Words way too many people need to understand.

And thanks for your comment!