I am not just saying that because I happen to be a funny guy but facts are facts.
Comedians need their intelligence to be funny. When they lose the "smarts" they also lose the laughs.
If you think back to some of the celebrities that made you or your parents laugh by acting dumb you will realize how intelligent they had to be.
Here is a partial list of such people:
(Laugh In's tattooed Go-Go Girl.)

(Say goodnight, Gracie.)


(See her on imdb.com)

(Hey Abbottttt!)

But then there are the few who although they are funny and see the world in a different way than the rest of us. These few can no longer sit back and make fun of things without getting angry enough to try and change things.
Think of Kal Penn who's character on the hit show "House" just committed su

There are many such concerned citizens and we should wish them well because their success is ours.

You may remember the now Honorable Al Franken from his years as a writer and some-time star of Saturday Night Live. Obviously the man has a brain which he uses. I wish I could say the same of his opponent, Mr. Norm Coleman who is still trying to drag out the election in the hopes that he can keep the duly elected Senator from fulfilling his duties in Minnesota and DC.
The Republican brain trust (I use the term loosely) has evoked the stolen 2000

The facts as usual are being distorted by the wrong side of every aisle these days.

If the 'wrongs' on the Right wish to actually follow Mr. Gore's lead then they must put down the sword and stop being a laughing stock.
You see unfortunately not all comedic situations or comedians are intelligent or funny.
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