According to the bible you need the testimony of two men for something to be real and therefore trustworthy. I believe that we should extrapolate that into actions as well as words and state that if a society treats two similar actions in the same manner then that must be the way to treat such future actions as well. We should also review and revisit near past actions with the same eye toward justice.
What am I trying to say?
Well it is simple.
Our current President and his extended staff have trampled all over the Constitution and our Nation’s Bill of Rights. They have committed us into an unfavorable and never ending war. They have sent off thousands of our fine young men and women to their deaths in order to defend their oil rights and investments. They have tortured prisoners ruthlessly while covering it all up. They have ignored those in need in our country and allowed disasters to fester. BUT THEY HAVE NOT BEEN PROSECUTED FOR THESE CRIMES. In fact some of the people who committed those crimes have received our Nation’s Medal of Freedom, a high honor indeed once reserved only for real heroes now given incidentally as favors to political hacks and inept morons to shut them up. And if by chance one of these bad men should be found guilty he is quickly and summarily pardoned, also to keep him quiet.
So since no court has looked into these actions they must be legal and therefore the standard with which we wish to be viewed in the world.
Now we come to a real crime as evidenced by the fact that two very bad men have been censured and publically humiliated. I am of course referring to infidelity with the opposite sex. Former President Bill Clinton privately opened his privates to an intern and was hounded by an independent prosecutor using public money until he was brought up on impeachment charges for high crimes supposedly against the country. By the country I mean the USA because in Italy he would have been named President for life if found guilty.
And now soon to be former Governor Eliot Spitzer is going through his own personal Hell for dealing with prostitutes. Yes prostitution is illegal and yes it is reprehensible and yes he blew it (figuratively of course) but in the long run it is far less illegal and reprehensible than the war acts being allowed and promoted by our current President.
So with the use of the Bible to back me up I can state quite clearly and without fear of successful contradiction that it is okay to invade a sovereign country for its oil and kill as many of its citizens to get and keep that oil for your friends; and it is okay to wire tap without proper court allowance any and all citizens of America; and it is okay to open all the e-mail sent to and received by American citizens; and it is okay to ignore disasters as long as the people involved are not political supporters of your party.
It is also okay to solicit homosexual sex in the public bathrooms of airports. Anyone know where Larry Craig is these days?
He is still in the Senate! Oh, wait a second, never mind Larry Craig solicited sex from a man and that is totally different than the disgusting acts of the two Democrats. You know, it’s the old “Not that there’s anything wrong with it” routine.
And the Republican leadership, the same ones calling for Spitzers head, ignored for years any improper behavior by one of their own, namely Florida Senator Mark “Fun with Younguns” Foley. Wow, more man on boy stuff.
That's it!
It all becomes clear.
IT IS NOT OKAY FOR A MALE DEMOCRAT TO HAVE SEX WITH A WOMAN WHILE IN OFFICE! (I wonder if that's why Joe from Connecticut switched parties?)
Sorry, pal
Your arguement does not hold any water. Spitzer is a guy that for years held himself as a crusader and a upholder of his own "holy rightness". Wall Street and healthcare quaked in their boots as the caped crusader Spitzer ran over them with his holy cursade. Those of us in healthcare have to kiss his boots for enough largesse to take care of our patients and avoid laying off good clinicians. In the words of Al Pacino in "And Justice for All".. "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND FOR SOMETHING."
And I agree with you however the AND JUSTICE FOR ALL does not seem to apply unless you have pissed off a Republican and are not one yourself.
Spitzer blew it and deserves to go but so do Craig; Bush; Cheney; and so many others my fingers will fall off typing their names.
Sorry, no dice. That is just the Nurnberg defense. I voted for Spitzer and put my trust in him, this is between me and him. He made me promises, the other guys I didn't vote for and they didn't promise me anything. They also didn't pose as the White Knight. The republicians didn't get him, he put it in himself. and as far as who caught him, I remember Guiliani going after the Democrats in Congress, such as Charlie Wilson, and he was single and never said he was a white knight.
But Charlie Wilson is famous now with a great movie and Giuliani is out somewhere wearing a dress.
But once again I have no problem with Spitzer being crucified for his bad deeds I just feel we have to do more of it and do so across the board. The other guys, for whom you did not vote nevertheless affect you in many ways, not the least of which is the pocket!
And finally, you have learned a valuable lesson, do not put your faith in anyone called a politician but hope for the best when you vote and vote for the least repulsive. (Or hit the Lottery and buy an island.)
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