The Teflon candidate has his work cut out for himself this time. And this one might be a little harder for the poor political pundits also known as Obama’s Babies to turn around.
Barack’s minister of several years, Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. has finally explained why we were attacked on 9-11. IT WAS OUR FAULT! America is totally to blame for all the pain and suffering we endured at the hands of the poor oppressed Muslim fanatics. And we are even to blame for the AIDS epidemic! Go figure. I would not be surprised if the Reverend's second best friend, after Farrakhan was Hutton Gibson!
Of course there were already some Senator Clinton haters who have asked how come this news comes out now? Could it be that Hillary Clinton or one of her supporters is behind the disclosure of the traitorous words out of the mouth of this irrational lunatic and Obama spiritual advisor? And while we’re at it why not blame this woman for 9-11 in the first place and be done with it?
If it was not clear before then certainly those of you out there who thought the SNL skit was a bit overboard should be rethinking your position. The fact is that Obama has been given an almost complete free pass by the media and the brainless and brainwashed masses merely because of his Stepford Wives sort of message. Well listen to or read the message from the guy Senator Obama listens to and then decide if you should trust this man with the future of our country. And remember the button upon which his finger will be should he be elected.
Barack Obama may actually prove to be a wonderful leader with fantastic ideas and the political clout and know-how to get things done in our increasingly troublesome capitol once he grows up but so far he has not shown us enough to deserve our complete and blind adoration.
What’s next, Simon Cowell picking our leader?
“Are you kidding? You call that a message? No substance, pal! I could get a better message out of a fourth grader! Get off my political stage and don’t come back until you can give me a reason to want you in the White House. GO.”
I have no idea what will happen from here on out but one thing is clear, Senator Obama is not as pure as he would have you believe and no amount of denunciations can un-ring a bell once it peals. His last denunciation was of Farrakhan and in fact was a command performance during one of the 765 debates we have been subjected to. Sincere or not he had no choice at that moment but to put down one of his big supporters. Minister (that’s a joke) Louis Farrakhan loves this guy and his main man minister Rev. Wright loves Farrakhan and hates America. Can we afford to fall in blindly behind this Senator with no record?
In his absolutely wonderful poem, 'If' Rudyard Kipling says that it is okay to dream as long as we do 'not make dreams our master.' Don't allow the delusion of Obama’s illusion to put you to sleep merely for the sake of dreaming. His meteoric rise to the national stage seems to mirror his "audacity of hope" but is really the embodiment of hubris. Without a little more information we should not put this man in charge of the nation. Perhaps by 2012 or 2016 we will know for sure where he stands but I will not pull his lever in 2008, no matter what.
Sshhh, do you hear that? Somewhere Karl Rove is laughing
What am I reading? When I suggested this a week before, you were ready to draw and fire. You called this argument "stupid". What are you suggesting??? Hill? The White Haired Warrior??? I thought I had to have blind allegiance to whatever the donkeys put in front of me. Im calling Tipper.
If it were the donkeys, as you love to call them who were putting this young man on the top spot of the ticket then your argument would hold some water. Unfortunately it is not clear who is giving him his boost. this awful campaign two-year period is fraught with intrigue as primary voters are switching sides to vote. What is in their minds this time? One thing is clear our entire election process needs overhaul.
If only one or more of them would just admit they had an affair we could narrow the field!
So the donkeys don't pick their candidates?? As Michael Corleone said "Who is being naive now, Kay?". If they didn't want this guy, the money faucet would shut off as fast as you can say Bill Bradley. Bring in Theodore Keel, leading donkeys, and donkey candidates, and say.."You are not leaving this room until you pick the best candidate with the best chance to win and get behind (him, her, it)" otherwise the survivor will implode as fast as you can say Muskie and Happy Days won't be here again.
First of all how many analogies do you wish to share in one comment? The money follows charisma, with or without content. In this case the content-less charismatic candidate has been Obama. But as with any candidate in the past they are ahead only until we learn more about them and see the company they keep. (See Giuliani) The media wants the candidate with the most money because that one buys the most air time. So the moment one of them gets a donation the media promotes them and the vicious cycle begins. Many naïve donkey voters are actually sheep. Others, such as cross-over voters are actually wolves in sheep clothing. The donkey leaders are acting like they are at sea without a compass and the poor people of Michigan and Florida may as well be.
This will most assuredly be a brokered arrangement by the DNC and with their record to date look out!
Wouldn’t it be funny if during the next news cycle we found out that Hillary and Barack had an affair WITH EACH OTHER? Quick, call Biden.
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