Tuesday, May 10, 2022


According to anyone in the know, words matter. But so do actions, intent, and votes!

Yet of all the above the one that has most consequence is actions!

The phrase that warns you to ‘watch what they do, not what say’, is more important these days than ever before.

The GOP says they are the party of freedom, then turn to their right and vote to remove your right to healthcare.

The GOP says the Democrats are the party of tyranny, then plan their next attack on your liberty.

The GOP claims that elections are being stolen from them, then legislate to gerrymander, redistrict, purge voter rolls, and generally make it harder for the ‘wrong’ people to vote!

And sadly, their tactics are working.

They have gotten so brazen that when a Repub candidate says ‘hello’ to a minority voter they’re really saying, ‘goodbye’!

The GOP playbook is straight out of Orwell’s 1984.

It is amazing to realize how far they have gone from the days of their sweet-talking, fast-talking “B” actor president Reagan who famously said, “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

And by problem, Nancy’s husband was stating a fact about governance by the Repub Party ever since!

GOP speak has gotten so absurd that their last representative in the White House ran on the phrase, “Only I can fix it!”

He then proceeded to tear down this economy while building up a wall, to supposedly keep all our troubles away.

The ‘forget your troubles, come on get happy, method of ruling America proved to be as impotent as Reagans ‘trickle down economics’ plan for the middle class.

But they have gotten away with the gibberish and lies for too long.

If we wish to save our ship of state and right their 'wrongs' we must allow the Democrats to set us back in the right direction, as they have done so many times before.

The Democratic Party is the party of affordable healthcare for all.

The Democratic Party is the party of women’s rights.

The Democratic Party is the party of fair and honest elections.

The Democratic Party is the party of fiscal responsibility.

The Democratic Party is the party of children’s rights before and after they are born!

The Democratic Party is the party for the homeless.

The Democratic Party is the party of the majority of America.

And the Democratic Party is clearly the party of freedom for all citizens.

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