Remember going to the beach with your mom and dad?
Remember mom telling you to wait 30 minutes after lunch before going back in the water? She explained something about cramps and death!
Remember going in after 10 minutes anyway?
Well mom wasn't all wet and may have been ahead of her time according to an article in Women's World.
The article doesn't actually mention losing your life because of your choice of food and frolic at the shore but it does suggest a relationship between what you eat and your life expectancy.
When I was young I defied my mom's admonitions and lived to tell about it. But maybe I was lucky.
At that time I had devised a devilish correlation between personal injury and longevity.
I even imbued each injury with an amount of time I would lose in the future.
For example, stubbing my toe would cost me about 1 hour of life but busting it could mean 3 weeks. And don't even talk to me about breaking a leg!
Since there was no way to prove or disprove my theory it has withstood the test of time!
Of course I never mentioned what my starting date, or rather original ending date was. I believed I had a total of 100 years old as the standard.
Quick Tangent: If you ask people how long they'd like to live many might say 100. But ask them again when they hit 99 and you can bet the number jumps a bit!
But back to the gist of the Women's World article; why would we wish to live our lives constantly changing our diets and food choices based on a 35 minute increased longevity possibility, or even the loss of an hour?
I'm reminded of the story of the lady whose consciousness, while she was on the operating table, floats up to heaven and is greeted at the gate by the guard.
He checks his ledger and asks, "Why are you here now?"
"I have no idea." She says. "I guess the operation failed."
"No ma'am. You are scheduled for another 40 years on Earth!"
Suddenly she wakes up, rejuvenated in the recovery room. She decides that if she has 40 more years, she's going to have a complete makeover.
She gets a face lift, butt lift, boob job, and a tummy tuck. Basically she opts for the whole nine yards.
Upon leaving the clinic as her 'new self' she is hit by a bus and killed.
When she arrives back at the gates of Heaven she questions the guard.
His curt response: "Hey, I didn't recognize you!"
Bottom line, it's nice to know what to eat but it's also nice to eat what you like and what helps you enjoy life!
We're each on this Earth for a set time so grab your favorite meal and hit the beach!