Suppose a glass of water contained a deadly disease.
Now suppose you were very thirsty and were not told the facts.
Censorship is a dangerous and bitter pill to swallow.
There are many things in our country's past of which we should not be proud, but hiding them from view will not make them go away. And doing so will only increase the likelihood of repetition.
Our history books are terribly incomplete, by design!
Knowing there are two sides to every coin is the only way for us to understand the flip side of our actions.
America spans from sea to shining sea as a result of our 'manifest destiny' desires.
But we displaced native Americans who were already living their desired lives.
How much dirt can we sweep under the rug before it's uncomfortable to walk on it?
Why did it take a graphic novel to bring the reality of the Tulsa massacre to light for so many of us.
I have a book titled, "That's not in my American history book" by Thomas Ayers.
The cover states it's "a compilation of little-known events and forgotten heroes.
And while it's 240 pages are packed with new and interesting facts it too omits Tulsa.
However like the answer to the (slightly altered) old joke, "What do you call 1,000 Repubs chained together at the bottom of the sea?" It's a good start!
It's easy to see an injustice and ask 'why.'
A bit harder to then do something about it.
But if the injustice is hidden from view??
If there is something we have done that embarrasses us sobeit. LEARN FROM IT!
At this very moment the rights of millions of Americans are under attack and they are totally unaware!
The minority party of Repubs has figured out that they can gain the majority by not allowing those who are likely to vote for the other side to cast their ballots!
Will the targets of this un-American tactic find out before it's too late?
In many States the airways are filled with, innuendoes, evil hate, and lies about 'liberal' plots to steal elections while it is in fact the GOP who has committed most fraud over the years.
We have a slim chance to stop this treasonous behavior, but we need the good people of Congress to act, and act fast.
One can only hope they do the jobs they were sent to DC to do and that they place the well being of our country over their desire to be reelected.
If they can muster the courage to face the facts and do the right thing America will be back, better than ever.
If not, well, we had a good run.
Our Nation's glass of water still has that deadly disease in it.
How many will drink?