Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Sorry Jay but the answer is no.

I realize you are an attorney and must defend your client no matter who or what it is but:

The people who died as a result of the delay in responding to the Covid pandemic got no temporary immunity.

The thousands who are dying due to its administration's incredibly inept handling of the response to the virus outbreak are getting no temporary immunity.

The children who died in cages at our nation’s border due to its xenophobia got no temporary immunity.

The seniors dying of fright over the thought of losing their retirement funds when dt and mcconnell steal them for the 1%ers get no temporary immunity.

The families who have lost loved ones due to the inability to get testing or lifesaving ventilators as a result of its hoarding for itself and Red States only get no temporary immunity.

The farmers going bankrupt and losing the family farms they’ve owned for decades due to its ego driven tariff war with Jina get no temporary immunity.

The small business owners and their employees who are hurting and going hungry while it sends all the relief money to the wealthiest undeserving businesses in America get no temporary immunity.

The women and children it raped and even now get insulted and shamed due to its ongoing misogyny get no temporary immunity.

The African Americans and minority men and women who are being murdered by its white supremacist and Nazi mobs due to its stoking the fires of hate and fear get no temporary immunity.

The reporters who must cover its every disgusting move while being insulted racially and otherwise get no temporary immunity.

The scientists, doctors and non-partisan officials who have worked selflessly their entire lives in government regardless of what political party was in control and now get fired due to its “only I can do it” attitude get no temporary immunity.

So, for the above reasons and so many more, Jay, no this filthy criminal gets no temporary immunity or immunity of any kind and must face the music for the crimes he has committed, continues to commit and undoubtedly will commit in the future!

But then you knew all the above when you took on its cause so stop complaining.

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