Americans are in the
fight of their lives and the fight FOR their lives.
Sadly, not enough of
them realize what’s happening.
I’m speaking of the
slow-motion attack on our Democracy being waged by a political party that has
only thing on their mind, total control on the country.
For decades the
Republican Party has maintained they want smaller government or at the very
least government out of our day to day lives.
They want us to revere
their family values and keep them in power so they can protect us from the evil
that lurks on our borders. And they say this evil is not just from without but
from within as well.
They preach these
things not just from the steps of the U S Capitol but broadcast them from
various news media on television, cable, radio stations and in print.
They fund and are
funded by such organizations with wonderful and innocuous sounding names such
as The Heritage Foundation and the American Family Association.
So how can they be the
enemy of the America way of life?
Let’s examine each of
the above items and understand their agenda.
First the Repubs, also
known as the GOP say they want smaller government with officials out of our day
to day lives.
Every GOP President
since Eisenhower has expanded the reach of government into our lives. Some of
the regulations were good and more were bad but just saying they wish to stay
out doesn’t make it true. They have been dead set against same sex
relationships, let alone marriage since they first learned of its existence.
They have funded ‘Pray
the gay away” groups and preach that it is against God’s wishes.
I wonder what our
founding fathers, those ‘separation of church and state fellows, would have
thought about that.
In the past some GOP
righteous and holier than thou people wanted to ban all sex positions other
than the missionary position.
How’s that for staying
out our bedrooms, let alone our lives!
The second claim is
easier to debunk, that they are fiscally conservative.
Again, using
Eisenhower as our starting point every Repub President since has raised the
deficit while in power. The current moron in the White House is continuing the
tradition at a pace never seen before.
And while they claim
the Democrats will tax and spend it’s a fact that under every Democratic
President during that time frame has lowered the deficit while moving the
economy up and correcting many of the incredibly awful and wasteful GOP
One remarkable such
fix came not too long ago when President Obama, that hated by the right wing
Kenyan born in Hawaii, took the reins of a failing economy with the greatest
recession since the stock market crash of 1929 and turned America around to
He handed things over
to the current moron who has since taken credit for everything his predecessor
did without understanding how government and life works.
As for lowering taxes
and spending wisely the taxes have only really been lowered for the wealthiest
of the land and in order to pay for the well-earned windfall, if you call
bribing politicians well earned work, the GOP has ended many social and environmental
programs. They consider these quality of life things, such as National Parks or
clean air and drinkable water unnecessary for the middle class and poor.
They are also hell
bent on getting rid of Social Security and Medicare since their benefactors are
incredibly wealthy and don’t need social safety nets.
“Are there no prisons?
And the union workhouses, are they still in operation?”
By the way under the
GOP “for profit” prisons are thriving and even such do nothing useless Repub
appointees such as betsy devos, head of education has a piece of the profit!
When it comes to
family values who better to tell us how to live our lives than the party that
houses the following pious leaders:
Newt Gingrich, who
cheated on each of his first 2 wives with the woman who would become his next
one. Is he seeking out number 4? Stay tuned.
Rudolph Giuliani also
of 3 wife fame who, by the way hid and got lost underground during the 911
attacks and basically did nothing before or after to help NYC or the nation.
And while there are so
many other stellar examples of family values such as Mark Sanford of
Appalachian Trail fame,
Larry Craig and his
wide stance
Austin Murphy who only
admitted to fathering a child out of wedlock after being videotaped leaving his
lover’s home.
And John Ensign who along with Newt was committing adultery
at the same time as they were demanding Bill Clinton leave office over a blow
Tim Murphy the anti-abortionist who asked his lover to
abort his child after their extra marital affair. Tim was a noted author who
wrote a book about children that won the National Parenting Association’s
award. The book explained how to take care of troublesome children.
I guess he
left the chapter about aborting them out!
The one creature
that comes to mind when thinking about the self-proclaimed family values
moniker must be the current disgusting misogynistic pig in the White House who
claims to be able to grab women by the pussy and kiss them whenever he feels
like it and walk in on naked teens because, why not…
It disgusts me to even
type its name so in case you have been living in a cave and for the sake of
completeness its initials are djt.
I believe these
examples and the so many more I did not list should debunk any ‘family values’
crap spewed by the GOP.
As for protecting us
from all evil, aside from the obvious BS fatherly line I believe that is how
all dictators started their careers in other countries. It’s easy to point to
the ‘them’ of the day and gin up the hate but the GOP used to know how far to
take it. The current group has become so obsessed with power that they have no
idea how far is too far. They have stirred up the hate so much that gun sales
and as a result gun massacres have increased exponentially in America.
Will they admit their
wrong doing?
Do birds swim?
Do fish fly?
As for fearing the
‘other’ I believe Franklin Delano Roosevelt said it best: The only thing we
have to fear is fear itself! (He had no idea what the Repub Party would become
in the future or he would have added an addendum.)
Finally let’s take a
look at the Wonderful World of Wordplay.
Here’s a list of the
most dangerous enemies from within that all have misleading names.
Heritage Foundation:
American Family
Association: NOT YOUR FAMILY!
FreedomWorks: BUT NOT
Family Research
And finally the one
that allowed all the wealthiest of the country to buy an entire political party
and make the representatives within it their bitches:
Citizens United: NOT
At the start I said we
are watching a slow-motion dismantling of our Democracy.
A fine example of that
would be the way Mitch McConnell refused to allow a duly elected by a large
majority of Americans (something no recent repub can say) to even have his
choice for a seat on the Supreme Court be interviewed for the job for an entire year!
He subverted
Democracy using the childish and absurd reason that it was the last year of Mr.
Obama’s Presidency, so he could ignore his wishes.
In what universe is that the case?
McConnell should have been thrown in jail but instead the bastard was rewarded with votes from the deluded GOP base and a main reason we are living in hell as we speak!
And that is how we ended
up with neil gorsuch and not Merrick Garland and it is how we will end up with
a second sex offender, brett kavanaugh sitting alongside fellow sex offender clarence
long dong thomas FOR LIFE!
Remember that the current president famously said “I love the
Remember this slogan:
Read, Learn, Understand!
Do the right thing, do
the American thing, VOTE!
And when you exercise
that greatest of the great rights we have cast your ballot for the political
party that has your back and bring back the Democratic Party so we can save
America for all Americans!
NOVEMBER 6, 2018 - NOVEMBER 3, 2020
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