As we approach another fun but seriously absurd Groundhog
Day how can anyone forget the film of the same name and its subtle message?
If we could only keep getting ‘do-overs’ until we got it
right our lives would be better off.
Rethinking how we do things is a constant among intelligent
beings and so too is trying to improve ourselves.
So isn’t it a shame when our leaders try to roll back the
clock to a time before things were good rather than building on what we have
achieved in the past?
Old sayings may be considered quaint and therefore ignored
but some hold undeniable truths and should, no must be understood.
Two such adages are:
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat
And “The definition of insanity (sic) is doing the
same thing over and over and expecting different results.” (Actually the
insanity used in the quote should not be confused with the legal meaning of the
word but rather acting as though one were unable to understand reality.)
So what is our current reality?
Well for one thing Americans are stuck in a rut not of their
For decades the country produced a ‘middle class’ which was
the envy of the world. It survived and thrived under the watchful eye of a
government determined to build up the working class so they could realize a
so-called American Dream.
That dream created a desire in people around the world to
come to America.
This influx of immigrant workers and talent helped fuel our
economy and create an almost perpetual motion toward success.
It also created resentment among the wealthiest Americans
who saw their ‘neighborhood’ being encroached upon.
But how could they stop this juggernaut, this feel good do
good free-falling momentum toward equality for all?
Well they could only stop it the same way you stop an ocean
liner moving at full speed, gradually.
One of the main reasons the middle class was able to rise
above poverty was the formation of unions.
These groups were able to negotiate with employers to make sure everyone
benefited in the profit created by ALL of their labors.
Naturally more of the profit should have been and was
directed into the pockets of the owners but the unions maintained a fair share
So, job one for the worried class, now known as the 1%, was to
keep unions down if not get rid of them completely.
They have done an admirable job in that respect and there
are a mere handful of unions around these days and their clout is far from what
it used to be.
As for the private sector unions are all but gone.
And in their wake we move closer to a feudal era where
owners owned workers, aka serfs centuries ago.
The wealth gap in this country has finally risen to such
epic proportions that even the hypocrites of the Republican Party have started to notice it and make believe they care about it.
Spoiler Alert: They do not!
But they realized that by saying nothing they might lose more than the 47% they already cannot fool.
So as we have seen in the past the talk is cheap and the
sentiment hollow.
Trickle-down economics never worked for the majority of us
and frankly was not intended to. It was
just another tactic by, of, and for the wealthy business owners and idle rich to keep more profits while paying less, or no taxes to the country in which they made their
If you really don't think it's all about the rich keeping and making more money while not allowing the middle class to get a penny look at their constant fight to get rid of any and all social programs aimed at helping the masses.
Why do they constantly rail against Social Security or Medicare?
Why does every one of their economic plans include repealing the Affordable Care Act or ridding the land of the SNAP program?
Don't they realize they need a strong healthy working serf class?
Don't they realize they need a strong healthy working serf class?
So instead of repeating our past mistakes or using a sort of
American ‘System Restore’ program back to a time when “Buddy can you spare a dime?” had deep meaning and was not just a top song let’s learn from our history.
On any journey starting over is only called for when there
is absolutely no hope of 'getting there from here!'
Don’t give up on finding the best mix in America for the working majority.
Don’t hit the snooze button on our future.
Wake up to reality and let’s
take back America.
Let’s move ahead!
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