Without rehashing all since I have to believe anyone reading
this knows what has happened over the last few decades or certainly this past
one let me say it is not an easy problem to fix.
However we have started on the road toward a great fix with
the “Affordable Care Act” (ACA) also known by many in the conservative camp in
a demeaning way as ‘Obamacare.’
Many doctors are now saying they will not take on new
customers as a result of the ACA pointing out that they will not be paid for
their increased service to mankind for those unable to pay a fair price.
I agree with the doctors although not in the manner they
The cause of the decrease in income for the medical
community is not the ACA nor the willingness of patients to pay but in fact the
ever growing community of middle men also known as the insurance industry and
their friends in that conservative camp.
Logic would tell us that if we had a life threatening
illness the first person we should contact would be a doctor well versed in the
illness and not an accountant well versed in how to maximize profits.
Clearly one of those two will suggest how to treat the
illness and the other will quietly figure out whether or not your life is that
important to his corporation’s bottom line.
So I would suggest that the best outcome for two of the
three parties involved in the above scenario, that’s a 67% majority of
interested parties, would be to rid ourselves of the medically uninvolved
entity, the insurance industry.
Sadly the greed part of the initial paragraph might then
kick in and doctors being human and possibly still carrying large medical
school bills would seek to order many unnecessary tests in order to pad their
I am not saying all would do it but the door would be open
and some would surely enter, and after that the door might become a flood gate.
So the next step would be to have a watchdog enter the arena
but not one with just profits as its goal.
That entity could and should be the United States
Oh my God, did this liberal bastard just suggest socialized
You are damned right I did,
We have allowed the greedy right wing to usurp words and
turn them into ugly things shunned by humanity instead of embracing them for
far too long!
We already have socialism in many facets of our lives and
we, all of us, including the right wing not only rely on it but thrive because
of it and demand it!
Things such as our military, our nation-wide system of
highways, our fire departments, the National Guard and our various police forces
around the country come to mind. Should
we get rid of these socialistic bastions of awful expenditures as well?
Of course not, it would be idiotic.
So why do we draw the line there?
Well simply put it’s because those things are needed by the
right wing and conservatives but they would rather not pay for health care for the
majority of Americans. Many of the dissenting
group are quite well off and can pay for those things themselves as needed.
They extrapolate the NIMBY (not in my back yard) to be
NFMBP, not from my back pocket!
Greed once again rears its ugly head.
The government could be a fair negotiator in talks with the pharmaceutical
industry for lowering drug pricing while still keeping an eye on quality drugs.
The government could continue to be a watchdog over the
excesses of the medical community while still allowing a fair income.
And the government could do this and more while not
demanding ever increasing profits for its board of directors or shareholders
who will then demand lower taxes on that profit!
And speaking of healthcare and insurance we come to the
problem of an ever increasing and aging population.
How can we best take care of our elderly?
Read on please.
1 comment:
A twitter friend, Missus Powell sent comments to the blog but sent it to me on Twitter so I now cut and paste them here.
"I did read the posts but got sidetracked, sorry. You are so right and especially re many without computers to compare plans.
The Greatest Generation folks being strongly independent don't ask for help so much. So they have the hardest time of all.
And the insurance plans & non-plans as I call them along with scams, are laden with confusing new language even insurance folks go, "HUH?"
Then add the almost complete but not yet decisions/non-decisions in Repub States only adds to the confusion right now! and it takes forever to get answers, if you are able to get them at all! That is overwhelming for many of us!
Best advice I've heard is to start early if you plan to retire soon. And if you're of the Great Gen there are Social Workers in a lot of communities who will help!!!
I prefer Social Workers who are not affiliated with a company but work for the elderly via government or non-profit Doctor's offices are also overwhelmed with all the changes so even your good Dr. wanting to help is a bit time consuming since they deal with many! Missouri is sending so many forms with ever changing things in even qualifications that it's been almost a 2 year un-won battle for my 90 year old mom.
It's like "Do not pass go - Do not collect $20!" Crazy stuff!!!
Thank you Missus Powell - I feel for you!
Best of luck and keep smiling!
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