In order to find the best leaders for America we must find every available factoid at our fingertips. But while editorials with tremendous amounts of content may inform those of us willing to read too many others only listen to sound bites and quick hitting slogans. These voters are swayed by catchy phrases that belie their meaning or intent.
Just as a foul pole in baseball is also a fair pole so too can a slogan that ‘hits it out of the park’ be a bold faced lie!
With that in mind I give you a few random thoughts to help you decide which Political Party you’d like to see hold the majority of power in Congress come this November.
To my Democratic friends I hope you enjoy this silly diversion and will even add a few slogans and one-liners of your own.
To my Republican friends and acquaintances I apologize for the length of some of the items below. If you find yourself drifting off while trying to get through the long sentences pour some Red Bull in your Starbucks.
When the going gets tough the Republicans get going - By blaming illegal aliens.
But is the grass is always greener on a wealthy person’s lawn? Si!
The only sure things in life are death and the Republicans’ desire to cut taxes for the rich.
As long as you have your health Republicans will try to take it away.
There once was a woman who lived in a shoe – There’s about to be a lot more!
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and get ready to leave in November.
Let a smile be your umbrella because you’re about to be too poor to own a real one.
Roses are red violets are blue Republicans don’t give a rat’s ass for you!
Little miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey
The Right called her lazy and probably crazy and took all her benefits away.
Capitalism redefined:
Jack & Jill went up the hill
Each with a buck and a quarter
Jill came down with two and a half
They didn’t go up for water!
Capitalism redefined for Republican family values people:
Jack & Bill went up the hill
Each with a buck and a quarter
Bill came down with two and a half
And a new job patrolling the border!
If the wealthy find their profits limp and PALIN the FOX will RUSH to their aid, be at their BECK and call until a new ANGLE can help their BONER return.
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