Sunday, January 3, 2021


For years, the Repub Party worked in the shadows to undermine Democracy.

They suppressed votes and disenfranchised any group of Americans they felt would vote for a Democrat.

When they realized groups of people were allowed to vote on a Sunday before an election because they could not afford to take a day off to do so Repubs worked hard to end early voting.

The GOP sent mailers to African American households and other likely Democratic voting groups with false information such as a wrong polling place or even the wrong voting date.

They actively gerrymandered every district in every State under Repub control to ensure the reelection of their candidates even though they were a distant minority. This famous and infamous process entitled ‘redlining’ is basically the GOP’s guide to minority rule. It is a quasi-apartheid form of government in America.

In the war against Democracy there were skirmishes in many localities across the country that largely went unnoticed by the general population.

Many times civil liberties groups attempting to end these irregularities found themselves in the courts.

That’s when the GOP turned some of their anti-democratic attention to the judges across America. They quietly started appointing friendly Conservative judges everywhere they could.

That practice recently culminated with the outright acts of the current GOP Senate Majority leader.

All of these tactics affected mostly black and minority neighborhoods and were well thought out as to seem mostly fair and balanced.


And when the ‘neighborhood’ was the entire country a new tactic evolved as was the case when Repub ‘god’ Ronnie Reagan realized unions mostly voted for the Democratic candidate. That was the signal for the forces of the GOP to attack.

The Repub hatred for unions is well known and an active strategy to this day and will remain so until they are stopped.

But with the advent of the single most disgusting creature ever to step foot in the White House, let alone rule over it, the Repub Party has come out of the closet.

They used to call themselves the ‘Family Values Party’ or the party of fiscal responsibility, but both of those terms have fallen by the wayside as they have now clearly shown their true colors.

A quick and easy trek through history will show that under GOP rule the country’s deficit always rises and the middle class, the majority of America, always falls.

The GOP works hard to title any new measure they bring forward and enact with a fair sounding name, such as the “Jobs Act” or stating a State’s union busting policy gives everyone the “Right to Work.”

And as any bully is wont to do when they lose power to the Democrats they rant and rave about the high cost of living and the horrendous deficit and call them the ‘tax and spend’ crowd.

A quick aside question that never seems to get asked is how can government spend what it does not have?

When Repubs are in power they lower the taxes on the wealthiest of the land and give enormous tax breaks to large corporations. Both groups can afford to pay more taxes, aka their fair share far more easily than the working class who makes them rich.

So in a way the GOP is right. When the Democrats take over, they must find more money to keep government running and they do so by rolling back the unfair tax breaks given to the donors and friends of the Repub Party.

But the ‘right wing’ machine is ready to pounce and claim falsely that the taxes will hurt the middle class and stifle business thus harming the economy.

Once again let’s do a quick romp through history and note that since Eisenhower’s administration in the 1950s the economy has always gotten better under a Democratic President and always faltered under a Repub one.

And by the way, Eisenhower’s economy expanded very nicely thank you, while the top tax rate in the land was 90%!!!

So, what can we do to right the ship of state?

How can we ensure our future will be fair for all Americans and safe for our children and theirs?

We must learn from history and not repeat it.

We must shine a light on those actively working to end American Democracy and make sure no more shadows exist in our government.

The Democrats have shown themselves to be the party of, by and for the people. Now we the people must show them we are on their side as well!