Sunday, December 13, 2020


1 - Pollution is warming the Earth with devastating results on the horizon.

2 - Healthcare for all, paid for by our taxes, will save money and lives in the long run.

3 - Minorities and immigrants helped build America and 'get it done!'

4 - Individuals who love other individuals regardless of race, religion or gender do not harm anyone else's marriage or life!

5 - Lowering taxes on those who can most afford to pay and will not even notice the amount paid is totally counterproductive for a healthy society

6 - People with guns DO kill people and assault rifles do it faster and better!

7 - Corporations ARE NOT people and never have been my friend!

8 - Science may not have all the answers to all of our problems but it is a better way to go than tossing darts at a dartboard or using a Ouija board.

So why does one political party, which will remain nameless (Repubs) continue to fight tooth and nail against addressing or even discussing these issues?

I believe we all know the obvious answer!