Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Thursday, November 12, 2020
“If it’s wrong when they do it, it’s wrong when we do it.” ― Noam Chomsky
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
While I write this the 2020 Presidential election has not yet been decided.
It may well turn out that the Democrats have taken back
the White House but the path for the other candidate is still open.
No matter which side claims the throne, for that is what
it has become, I and many others who call themselves liberals, owe the Repub
supporters and voters an apology.
We never really understood the all-powerful love you had
for your guy and that you would risk life and limb and the lives of your loved
ones in order to prop him up on a pedestal.
We could not fathom that you would throw away over 200
years of progress in America to aid and abet a terribly flawed human being
become the leader of the formerly most powerful nation in the world.
But you have shown your faith in your faithless leader
and have looked past his obvious hypocrisy to continue following him down
whatever rabbit hole or septic tank he chooses.
And with your fervent ardor comes clarity for America.
Confusion and uncertainties are gone and for that we
thank you and offer our sincerest apology.
And soon we will be able to say:
We no longer worry about women’s rights for they
will not have any.
We are not upset about voter suppression for
that will be the law of the land.
We no longer worry about immigration for our
borders will be totally shut.
We no longer spend hours shopping for healthcare
since there will be none.
We’re not worried about fixing our
infrastructure as it crumbles because it’s too costly.
The homeless problem will disappear as the poor
die off.
Gasoline is cheaper now that we drill in all
former National Parks.
Fast food is the only way to go and organic has
been outlawed as too costly.
Fake news is gone, replaced by State Run Fox &
Sinclair news networks.
Liquor stores will have trouble keeping vodka in
stock but will manage.
Our nation’s new slogan will be, As American as
a Big Mac & Fries.
Pandemic masks are outlawed in public areas as
they make people anxious.
Former “Blue States” are under Federal control ‘for
their own protection.’
The draft is reinstated and all ‘straight’ children
18 to 21 must enter the military.
· Centers open nationwide to cure homosexuality.
· Books are no longer necessary and ‘burning fairs’ draw huge red hat crowds.
The Bible becomes the main textbook in all our
schools per Czar devos.
Regardless of birth religion all must attend
Sunday mass or be fined.
Ventilators are in abundance now that the air we
breathe causes so many diseases.
Insurance companies no longer cover beachfront
properties as they are continually wiped out by major hurricanes
Elections and campaigns are things of the past as
the line of succession is cemented!
America evicts the United Nations and turns the
buildings into new dt tower condos.