Saturday, April 25, 2020


Conservative Bret Stephens makes a valid point when he complains that if New York were its own country and therefore not counted in America's disaster, the rest of America would only have death toll numbers akin to those of Germany. Therefore why should the entire country have to abide by the same lock-down rules as the Big Apple? Yeah, who the hell does NY think it is? Of course New York is not telling the rest of the country how to handle the dt enabled crisis. It is doing what it has to in order to keep it's citizens safe. But Mr. Stephens may be correct about reactions from other States so let's not stop there. For once in 200 or so years how about allowing New York the extra added benefit of NOT supporting so-called Red States such as Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana with its tax dollars? For decades there has been silly talk about New York City becoming its own State or perhaps the entire Empire State leaving the Union. Maybe it's time for that. Like it or not Mr. Stephens, Blue States like New York, California and others have always led the nation in creativity and frankly intelligence as well as health and innovation. You might not like the arts but Blue State culture allows it to thrive and in normal times draws billions of tourists and tourism dollars. So we must be doing something right! And our citizens share our wealth with Red States every April 15th (or July in strange times.) So yes, don't follow our lead, we never asked you to. But don't tell me or any human with half a brain that it's okay to open up businesses such as massage parlors during a deadly and contagious outbreak such as Covid-19. And by the way while your at it please explain to another member of your tribe that the virus is NOT the 19th version of Corona Virus but rather the one that was discovered in 2019! And don't tell me that it's okay for the supposed leader and flag bearer of your movement to stand behind the Nation's 'bully pulpit' spouting such absurd ideas as injecting disinfectant into our lungs to cure the viral infection. (Although death will in fact cure it for the individuals stupid enough to do so.) And what could possibly go wrong allowing wrestling to reopen or crowded casinos with thousands of one armed bandits to chip in? Our economy is hurting but thinning the herd is not the best solution to lowering the cost of healthcare or getting more tax dollars into the hands of the wealthiest of the land! New York and New Yorkers hope the rest of the country survives and thrives and we all live long and prosper while not suffering too many more deaths as a result of covid-19 in the future. But if your citizens will not at least practice social distancing and insist on getting tattoos or holding rallies in support of an idiot in the White House who thinks the virus is a Democratic hoax intended to make him look bad then please keep out of our State!