Saturday, November 23, 2019


He sues to hide his tax returns and confiscates your notes
He follows Putin’s orders and then tries to block your votes
He wants to build a wall around our border with filled moats
I fear we simply must be rid of dt

He grabs the nearest pussy and he cheats on all his wives
He breaks all laws and gets a pass; the man has many lives
On cheating, stealing, lying and ignoring rules he thrives
This creature is not fit rule in DC

I’d like to say a word in his defense
His ouster gets us Pence

How do you solve a traitor like this dt?
How do you get the Senate on your side?
How do you lose a creature such as dt?
And not allow Mike Pence his own free ride 

Many a thing he’s done and gotten away with
Making deals to get his family cash
But how do you get his fans
To see through his evil plans
How do you get this Teflon don to crash 

Oh, how do you solve the terror known as dt?
Vote ‘BLUE’ and end this evil man’s crime spree!

When you’re with him you’re confused
Out of focus and bemused
And you never know exactly where you are
Unpredictable as weather
He's as flighty as a feather
He's a snarling little demon! He's a scar!
He'd outpester any pest
Drive a hornet from its nest
He could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl
He’s a gentile! He is wild!
He's a riddle! HE’S A CHILD!

He's a headache! He's a twit!
And he's a shit!

How do you solve a traitor like this dt?
How do you get the Senate on your side?
How do you lose a creature such as dt?
And not allow Mike Pence his own free ride 

Many a thing he’s done and gotten away with
Making deals to get his family cash
But how do you get his fans
To see through his evil plans
And get this putrid Teflon don to crash 

Oh, how do you solve the terror known as dt?
Vote ‘BLUE’ and end this evil man’s crime spree!

Friday, November 22, 2019


As head of the nation’s justice department he has departed from every legal norm to protect his lord and master from any hint of prosecution even though in his heart he knows the creature is guilty as hell. 

For a creature who spent his entire life with his head up dt's ass, rotting in jail would seem to be a lateral move for this albino toadywho is getting ready for a lifetimeof picking up the soap!

This man has used and abused his power to block any and all legislation that would help average citizens live healthy fulfilling lives even to the point of ignoring his own political party on legislation against the easy access to gun massacre killing machines. 

Sitting in his spider-like lair hidden from the sun and fresh air this ‘oxy’ moron and putridly rotund creature spins his web of lies on conservative talk radio egging on the uneducated to commit violence against righteous hard working Americans who see through his agenda. 

Airing his dangerous views daily on one particular television station this thing speaks mainly to the White House giving his talking points to be spewed at Hitleresque youth rallies thus making him almost as powerful as a president. 

This disgusting oily foreigner uses his obscene undeserved wealth to further corrupt the greedy dt family into looking the other way while he commits crimes against humanity. He is a regular ‘cut up’ when it comes to freedom of the press and journalists. 

Travelling the World running a shadow State Department this criminal has been making deals to benefit himself and dt. The bonehead claims he works Pro Bono while this Nosefratu look alike is sucking the blood out of Democracy. 

Whether hiding in the shadows of mommy’s apron strings or firmly up the rear of his boss this smiling hypocrite claims to be more religious than Jesus. 

Not able to get his way and start a nuclear war anywhere this mustachioed moronic miscreant hopes to make millions off a book deal that reveals what the world already knows about the idiot in the White House.

As long as you are upper class
Commit any crime, get a pass
But talk of his treason
Will give him a reason
To drive his bus over your ass!

Monday, November 11, 2019


Consolidation is great for corporations; bad for almost everyone else. By David Leonhardt  Opinion Columnist 11 10 19

When Thomas Philippon moved to Boston from his native France 20 years ago, he was a graduate student on a budget, and he was happy to discover how cheap American telephone use was. In those days of dial-up internet connections, going online involved long local phone calls that could cost more than $10 apiece in France. In the United States, they were virtually free.
Philippon eventually got a Ph.D. in economics at M.I.T. and decided to stay here. He’s now a professor at New York University. And over the years, he has noticed something surprising about his adopted country: Internet usage is no longer a good deal.
Today, his parents pay about 90 euros (or $100) a month in the Paris suburbs for a combination of broadband access, cable television and two mobile phones. A similar package in the United States usually costs more than twice as much.
Figuring out why has become a core part of Philippon’s academic research, and he offers his answer in a fascinating new book, “The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets.” In one industry after another, he writes, a few companies have grown so large that they have the power to keep prices high and wages low. It’s great for those corporations — and bad for almost everyone else.
Many Americans have a choice between only two internet providers. The airline industry is dominated by four large carriers. Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google are growing ever larger. One or two hospital systems control many local markets. Home Depot and Lowe’s have displaced local hardware stores. Regional pharmacy chains like Eckerd and Happy Harry’s have been swallowed by national giants.
Other researchers have also documented rising corporate concentration. Philippon’s biggest contribution is to explain that it isn’t some natural result of globalization and technological innovation. If it were, the trends would be similar around the world. But they’re not. Big companies have become only slightly larger in Europe this century — rather than much larger, as in the United States.

What explains the difference?

The European economy certainly has its problems, but antitrust policy isn’t one of them. The European Union has kept competition alive by blocking mergers and insisting that established companies make room for new entrants. In telecommunications, smaller companies often have the right to use infrastructure built by the giants. That’s why Philippon’s parents can choose among five internet providers, including a low-cost company that brought down prices for everyone.
In air travel, European discount carriers like easyJet have received better access to the gate slots they need to operate. The largest four European airlines control only about 40 percent of the market. In the United States, that share is 80 percent, and, as you’d expect, airfares are higher. Even Southwest Airlines has begun to behave less like a low-fare carrier.

The irony is that Europe is implementing market-based ideas — like telecommunications deregulation and low-cost airlines — that Americans helped pioneer. “E.U. consumers are better off than American consumers today,” Philippon writes, “because the E.U. has adopted the U.S. playbook, which the U.S. itself has abandoned.”
The European Union has created an impressively independent competition agency that’s willing to block mergers, like General Electric-Honeywell and Siemens-Alstom. In the United States, the process is more political, and companies spend vastly more money on campaign donations and lobbying. Lobbyists — and, by extension, regulators — justify mergers with dubious theories about money-saving efficiencies. Somehow, though, the efficiencies usually end up raising profits rather than lowering prices.
Whirlpool’s 2006 purchase of Maytag is a good example. The Justice Department rationalized the deal partly by predicting that foreign appliance makers would keep the combined company from raising prices. But Whirlpool later successfully lobbied for tariffs to keep out foreign rivals. Washers, dryers and dishwashers have all become more expensive.
The consolidation of corporate America has become severe enough to have macroeconomic effects. Profits have surged, and wages have stagnated. Investment in new factories and products has also stagnated, because many companies don’t need to innovate to keep profits high. Philippon estimates that the new era of oligopoly costs the typical American household more than $5,000 a year.

It’s a problem that should inspire bipartisan action. Some solutions feel conservative: reducing licensing requirements and other bureaucratic rules that hamper start-ups. Others feel progressive: blocking mergers, splitting up monopolies and forcing big business to share infrastructure.
There are signs that the politics of antitrust are shifting. Several Republicans, like Senator Josh Hawley, now talk about the issue, and many Democrats — not just Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, but also Amy Klobuchar — do too.
But we have a long way to go. Too often, both parties are still confusing the interests of big business with the national interest. And American families are paying the price.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


There's a commercial on TV where a cute young girl asks the question, "So what does the dishwasher do?" I ask a similar question, What do health insurance companies do? Oh, I know they repay some, key word 'some' of the money we lay out for our most expensive healthcare in the World but what do they actually do? For one thing they make fortunes for themselves and that's clear. Another thing they do is funnel a small amount of their ill-gained fortunes back to legislators who promise to continue the practice of allowing them to rape consumers. But unless and until our lawmakers change the entire system there is nothing we the people can do to stop the money drain on our savings. Without going back to the beginnings of the fraudulent laden healthcare insurance industry and pointing fingers at such evil uncaring creatures as Ronnie Reagan & friends we need to look at where we are now and see if there is a path back to sanity. One big question should start the ball rolling so that it trickles down to an end to the American frustration with our healthcare, How can we get rid of the useless middle man, aka the health insurance company? Not in any order here are a few areas we need to concentrate on: 1 - Government MUST negotiate drug pricing with WAY too big Big Pharma for our Medicare programs 2 - Congress should look into hospital pricing on all things from surgical and emergency services to billing for items such as aspirin. (In some cases they charge over $50 per pill plus extra added for the time an aide takes to administer it!) 3 - Aside from Medicare Congress must decide if it wants to allow the drug industry the luxury of charging Americans 40 times more than they do other countries such as Canada. 4 - Understanding the Research and Development costs are high Congress must allow the pharmaceutical industry some leeway on profits. That does not mean allowing them to gouge especially when a drug has been on the market for decades at a certain price and now it's being tripled or worse! 5 - Doctors should not be immune to the cost audits as some of them charge incredibly unreasonable rates for routine procedures. Those are the ones that currently appear on the "EOBs" (explanation of benefits) consumers receive from their health insurance companies. (When the initial charge submitted by the doctor is $2,760 but negotiated and agreed upon cost is noted as $175 and $20 is deducted for the original paid 'co-pay' then $100 is covered by the insurance plan and the balance of $55 going toward the year's deductible. And don't forget to pay your premiums on time or you may be liable for the entire $2,760 next time!) 6 - Stop allowing drug companies to flood the airways with commercials touting drugs whose benefits take up 15 seconds and the sped up reading of the warnings take the remaining 40 seconds. We banned cigarette ads as misleading and harmful - These should fall under the same heading! And what's up with, "Tell your doctor if you have …" SHOULDN'T HE/SHE KNOW? 7 - How about cutting back on expenditures for what Eisenhower called "The Vast Industrial Military Complex" and using those wasted billions on covering some of the costs consumers are hit with for their healthcare? 8 - Finally ban any member of Congress who has a say in our healthcare from benefitting from a personal or financial relationship WITH corporations in the healthcare industry! While this last point should be a 'no-brainer' it currently seems as though the opposite is a requirement!! (Do we really need to spend billions on more B-52 like bombers etc. for our armed forces when even the Pentagon says we don't?) 8a - END CITIZEN'S UNTED AND ALL CAMPAIGN DONATIONS FROM THE ENTIRE HEALTHCARE IDUSTRY! Getting the money out of campaigns and elections would go a long way toward fixing many of our problems in America! And because I realize none of the above will ever come to fruition or even be debated as long as the culprits have total control of Congress (one political party in particular) I ask that we at least tax the profits of the large corporations and remove their 'unfair to the rest of us' loopholes they get away with using to hide their illicit gains! Those of us at the bottom pay our fair share, why shouldn't they? Medicare medicare for all Americans health insurance