Just what does the GOP stand for?
we know what they're against!
list below shows the trump desired and GOP approved and backed budget changes by
agency along with services they will affect. The numbers in parentheses show the percentage trump wants taken away from these agencies.
may agree with some and not with others but overall they point to a complete lack of compassion
for and understanding of the needs of the citizens of this country!
I give you the trump 2018 budget:
I give you the trump 2018 budget:
& Cultural Agencies (-100%)
This handles Public Broadcasting & The Arts
Eliminates all funding for:
The National Endowment for the Arts;
Eliminates all funding for:
The National Endowment for the Arts;
The National
Endowment for the Humanities
The Institute of
Museum and Library Services
The Corporation for
Public Broadcasting, which supports public television and radio and PBS
and NPR
(Big Bird gets killed by Big Turd!)
Protection Agency (-31%)
They handle our Environment and such frivolous things as Clean Air & Potable Water as well as infrastructure work.
Eliminates more than 50 programs and
3,200 job
Discontinues funding for:
International climate-change programs
The Office of Research and Development in half
The Superfund cleanup program
The Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Discontinues funding for:
International climate-change programs
The Office of Research and Development in half
The Superfund cleanup program
The Office of Enforcement and Compliance
This one controls the safety of our Overseas Ambassadors (Cuts like they did before Benghazi!)
Reduces funding for:
U.N. peacekeeping
Development banks such
as the World Bank
Most cultural-exchange programs
But keeps the Fulbright Program
And eliminates climate-change prevention programs, including pledged payments to U.N. climate-change programs
But keeps the Fulbright Program
And eliminates climate-change prevention programs, including pledged payments to U.N. climate-change programs
Department (-21%)
This department handles Food Safety & Animal rights
Cuts to Women, Infants and Children
nutrition assistance
Eliminates McGovern-Dole
International Food for Education program and the Water and Wastewater loan
and grant program
Staff reductions at USDA service
center agencies around the country
Department (-21%)
This group is concerned with Worker’s Rights and Women's Rights and Civil Rights etc.
Eliminates Senior Community Service
Employment Program (Aids low-income seniors find work)
Closes poor-performing centers for Job
Corps (Job-training program for disadvantaged youth)
Eliminates grants to nonprofit groups and
public agencies to pay for safety and health training
Expands efforts to reduce improper
payments made to people receiving unemployment benefits.
of Health and Human Services (-18%)
HHS is concerned with Poor People, People in Need, TANF (Temp Assistance for Needy Families) Public Health, Drug Safety, Availability of Safe Food, Local Healthcare Providers, Planned Parenthood, Paying for anyone’s Healthcare, Reproductive Rights, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. You know, nothing important!Decreases funding for:
The National Institutes of Health
Certain programs to
train health professionals
But increases funding for efforts to prevent
and treat opioid addictions
Eliminates the Fogarty International
Center (Partnerships between U.S. and foreign health research institutions (We
don’t need outside help!)
Department (-16%)
Cuts from coastal research programs
that ready communities for rising seas and worsening storms (Because climate
change is a Chinese hoax of course!)
Eliminates popular $73 million Sea Grant
program, which operates in conjunction with universities in 33 states
Eliminates Economic Development
Administration (gives grants in struggling communities)
Department (-14%)
Clearly this group handles our Nation's Public Education and Science
Cuts grants for teacher training
Cuts grants for after-school and summer
Cuts aid programs to first-generation and
low-income students
"Significantly" reduces federal
work-study aid to college students
Increases charter school funding by $168
Creates new private-school choice program
with $250 million
sure do love their uneducated voters!)
of Housing and Urban Development (-13%)
Community Development Block Grant program
Community Development Block Grant program
Eliminates the HOME Investment
Partnerships Program
Eliminates the Choice Neighborhoods
Eliminates the Self-help Homeownership
Opportunity Program
Eliminates funding for Section 4 Community
Development and Affordable Housing
Raises funding for lead-hazard reduction
from $110 million to $130 million
Department (-13%)
Shifts air traffic control outside
the government! (For profit always works!)
Eliminates funding for many new transit
projects and support for long-distance Amtrak trains.
Eliminates $175 million in subsidies for
commercial flights to rural airports.
Cuts $499 million from the TIGER grant
program (Funds dozens of road, transit and other projects.)
Department (-12%)
Eliminates funding for the 49
National Heritage Areas
Decreases funding for land acquisition
Wildfire suppression funding is likely to see
a marginal increase
Department (-6%)
Cuts $900 million from the Office of
Eliminates Energy Star
Eliminates Weatherization Assistance
Eliminates ARPA-E
Eliminates Advanced Technology Vehicle
Manufacturing Program
Eliminates Title 17 loan guarantees
Eliminates Title 17 loan guarantees
Business Administration (-5%)
Eliminates PRIME technical-assistance
Eliminates Growth Accelerators
Eliminates Regional Innovation Clusters,
saving about $12 million
Cuts $1 million of $46 million of loan
guarantees currently available to small-business owners
Department (-4%)
Against Taxes on the rich
Reduces funding for the Internal Revenue
Service by $239 million
Eliminates grants for Community
Development Financial Institutions, which provide financial services in
economically distressed neighborhoods
Department (-4%)
Interested in, among other things Voter’s rights & Gun Control
Cuts funding to reimburse state and
local governments for costs of incarcerating certain undocumented immigrants (We
get em – You pay for em)
Cuts $1 billion for federal prison
construction (Favors private for profit prisons)
Adds $249 million of funding for the FBI,
largely aimed at counterterrorism, cyber threats, more timely firearms purchase
background checks and more crime data
Adds $80 million to adjudicate immigrant
removal proceedings and hire more attorneys (Clearly our top priority is
getting rid of immigrants!)
Science and Exploration of Earth and the universe, Duh!
Cuts $102 million of funding from Earth
science, terminating four missions aimed at
understanding climate-change
Eliminates the $115 million Office of
Cuts $88 million from the Robotic
Refueling Mission (Develops techniques to repair satellites)
items completely eliminated from the budget:
Development Foundation
Regional Commission
Chemical Safety
Corporation for
National and Community Service
Corporation for
Public Broadcasting
Delta Regional
Institute of
Museum and Library Services
U.S. Trade and
Development Agency
Legal Services
Endowment for the Arts
Endowment for the Humanities
Reinvestment Corporation
Northern Border
Regional Commission
Overseas Private
Investment Corporation
U.S. Institute
of Peace
U.S. Interagency
Council on Homelessness
Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars
And a
couple of agencies would get more money to disperse as they see fit:
Dept. (+9%)
Increases the size of the Army and Marine
Increases the number of ships in the Navy's
Buys F-35 Joint Strike Fighters more
Increases spending to keep Air Force
combat planes ready to fly
Security (+7%)
Cuts $667 million from grant programs to
state and local agencies, including pre-disaster mitigation grants and
counterterrorism funding
Raises the TSA Passenger Security Fee passengers
flying out of US airports
one thing has not and never will change, they will fight to the death to
protect the rights of a fetus until it is born!
the bottom line is: