Why are there so many apps pushing articles and stories to
our smart phones and tablets?
Why does an already in your face billionaire such as Rupert
Murdoch continue his quest to own more news media?
Why do other billionaires and their brothers keep spending
money behind the scenes to get their partisan messages out and political
puppets in?
Why do birds suddenly appear? Wait, sorry, that's not part of this rant!
And why do all newspapers offer digital versions of their
It’s all about the dissemination of information.
Sadly this proliferation of information also DIS-informs.
Getting your message out has become so important it has
surpassed nearly every other need a leader or megalomaniac has. It is the way
he or she stays in the public eye and the way they amass fortunes for their war
chests to be used on their re-election campaigns.
And this tactic is also used to hide things that are not to
be known by the general public.
This simple fact is controlling the media has become the
highest priority of the wealthy and powerful.
We have all seen articles informing us that not one of the perpetrators
of the economic bust of 2008 or any other era has been sent to jail or brought
to justice at all. But you will probably
not see that article again or a follow up unless you spend time ‘Googling.’
Did you ever see a television ad or get a 'cold' call from an investment broker you didn't know telling you about a fantastic stock opportunity guaranteed to make you wealthy?
Did you ever wonder why he or she was calling you instead of just buying the damn thing and retiring to Tahiti?
Why do so many people seem to believe that the Earth is flat
or that climate change is God’s will and there is nothing man can do about it?
And with all the information being pushed onto and into us
we find it hard to process everything.
Information overload is real and it is why we flock to
social media sites such as Twitter for concise if not absurd brevity.
Don’t believe it? Try to tell a story using only 140
characters without abbreviations, emoticons, substitutions and links.
IMHO U’ll C its
hard 2 do, lmao!
No one has the time to read an entire paper or its digital
version therefore much of what’s happening in the World goes unknown to or unseen by the masses.
Most read a headline and assume the rest
based on their preconceived bias.
We are a nation of under informed, uneducated serfs.
Remember that those who do not learn from history are doomed
to repeat it!
Sadly even our history books have been taken over and school
children are being fed partisan lies.
These books have taken many facts out and
replaced them with clear sounding false statements and subliminal messages
aimed at furthering their biased agenda.
Sad how many idiots believe this crap! |
Did you know that man coexisted with the dinosaurs? This must be true since the Earth is only 6,000
years old!
Social media sites are safe havens from the storms of
stories of corruption and violence.
They are places where we can show our
outrage and demand something be done.
Then we click on the viral video of those cute puppies and calm down.
Just look at the anger over the multitude of mass shootings
over the last few years and note how much has been done by our leaders to stop
the proliferation of gun violence.
Social media is a place to vent our frustrations at the lack
of leadership to stem the tide of an ever widening wealth gap.
But they are akin to the ‘time out’ room we are sent to as
children when the parents have had enough!
And the parents are the wealthy and powerful who control the message.
‘Run along middle class, mommy and daddy have lots to talk
about. Maybe we’ll go for some ice cream later. Won’t that be nice?’
The one time information should not necessarily be made known
is during military exercises or of course war.
But when it comes to government any group not in power accuses
those in power of hiding things from the public.
For example ever since Democrat Obama was elected President
the not so loyal anymore Republican Party has been calling for more
Why do you think Obama is weak on a Muslim? Because I think he basically is one! |
From birth certificate to troop movements they demand to
know what he and his administration are doing about the war on terror and how
come he was born in Kenya as a Muslim. And lest you think Americans know the truth watch this short video of current Trump supporters talking about the Hawaiian born President of the United States.
This is basically a tactic that should be called what it is,
an absurd lie.
This should replace the elephant as the GOP / T-Potty symbol! |
One thing the public must realize is if the government tells us
all it is doing or planning then the odds are the enemy will know as well!
Do you think Mr. Obama should have told the Americans his
troops were about to raid Osama Bin Laden’s compound beforehand?
The Republicans know this but they must fool the public into
voting for them next time so they can do the same thing!
Information is power.
He (or she?) who controls the information has the power.
We must understand what information is important to be known
and what should not be.
And when the information is made known from where did it
Can it be trusted?
There will always be sheep following blindly or being
shepherded by a lead dog to move in a certain direction.
But until the people of our nation realize they are being
led around by their noses they will never see beyond them.
Don't believe me?
The truth is out there!
Seek it out!
The more you know the less you will be fooled.
Inform yourselves, no one else will!